What does the Photo Challenge involve?

Entry is open to all current members of The BMW Club. If you would like to enter.

You complete a simple entry form and in return will receive the link to a Google map.

The map shows 26 locations throughout Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and Somerset and contains any additional information that is required.

The objective of the Challenge is simply to give club members a reason to get out on their bikes. It is not competitive in any way. Entrants may visit as many or as few of the locations as they wish. We hope that to reach many of these, entrants will ride some of the best and most scenic roads in the South West.

We hope this brief explanation encourages you to enter the South West Photo Challenge and explore.

To Enter The Challenge Email     HANK ARNOLD:-

Here’s a little info about the photographic side.

We have set up a Flickr account to hold your photos.  and the pictures are publicly viewable.

You will see the Current album from the link ABOVE

Submitting your photos

Please send photos for upload as Attachments to:-

please name the photo using the following format:  Waypoint No. Your name, Waypoint name.

           e.g. 05 – Jo Bloggs – The Snooty Fox


This is run by Dave Williamson and Steve Bicknell

click on the link below to discover more and maybe enter the event

A big THANK YOU,  to Tim, Steve and Dave for helping us get our challenge up and running.